The bamboo indoor plant belongs to the bamboo family. However, not much information is known about how the name came up. In addition to that, this plant grows mainly in water and the plant can be compared to the real bamboo.
What are the maintenance practices involved in the care of Sanderiana plants?
Conditions for growth of the Sanderiana plants
The bamboo Office indoor Sanderiana does not like harsh sunlight or areas with low light. Too much light burns the leaves whereas less light leads to slow growth.
If you are growing the Sanderiana in water, the roots should be fully submerged in water throughout. Ensure you change the water weekly to prevent it from stagnating. Do not use tap water at all times. Use distilled water.
Tap water is fluoridated and chlorinated for human use. However, it can cause damage to the plants and their overall growth.
Alternatively, if you're growing it in soil ensure, you water regularly in summer but seldom in winter.
Average home humidity is perfect for Toronto Office Sanderiana indoor plants.
There is no need to feed the plants if they are growing in water. If you choose to transfer them to a normal compost mix, feed a few times a year at normal strength.
For maximum and excellent growth, temperatures between 16°C - 24°C / 60°F - 75°F are the most ideal. Do not grow your plants at temperatures lower than 10°C / 50°F.
To keep the stalks upright and in place, use rock, pebbles, marbles and polished stones.
Advantages of the indoor Sanderiana
- Don't keep it in direct sun also always keep plant in water.
- This bamboo is perfect for office or house purposes as indoor plants
As shown: 6" h x 3"w
Deluxe: 8" h x 4"w
The Sanderiana
- Product Code: KZ301-04
- Availability: In Stock
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Tags: The Sanderiana